I'm prouder of this word play than I have any right to be. Kir is an apertif made by adding a measure of creme de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur) topped up with white wine. Felix Kir, the mayor of Dijon popularised the drink and gave it his name. It was, and still is known, as blanc-cassis. Blanc is also the last name of the delightfully interesting French historian and socialist leader Louis Blanc, coincidence? Almost certainly.
I've made the incredibly unsophisticated addition of vodka, because what says socialism like vodka, eh comrade?

25ml vodka
25ml creme de cassis
100ml white wine
Pour plenty of ice into a wine glass. Pour in the measure of creme de cassis, followed by the vodka, and then by the white wine. That's it. Blissful, neat, sharp, excellence.